Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I Want To Play Pokemon Platinum

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Pain Ten Weeks Pregnant

We hear it all the time.
But it's not really federal aid,
Cause the money's yours and mine.
The money's yours and mine.
I read in the papers
In real big print
About a sugar coated speech
Made by our President.
With federal aid
He thinks he'll win our trust
But, federal aid, hell,
The money belongs to us.
He puts taxes on this,
Taxes on that.
Just any kind of tax
To keep the government fat.
He says he's gonna give us
Federal aid or bust.
But, federal aid, hell,
The money belongs to us.
Federal aid, federal aid,
We hear it all the time.
But it's not really federal aid,
Cause the money's yours and mine.
The money's yours and mine.
He started a new program
The anti-poverty school
I think it's a good idea,
Nobody wants to be a fool.
Now he says he's running short of funds
And that ain't no joke.
But it ain't the government that hurtin',
It's us that's going broke.
Now, if we could just keep
Most of the money we make
There wouldn't be much reason
To have federal aid.
I believe in helping the poor,
I think it's a must.
But it's not federal aid, hell,
The money belongs to us.
Federal aid, federal aid,
We hear it all the time.
But it's not really federal aid,
Cause the money's yours and mine.
The money's yours and mine.
Now, why should the President
Take all the credit,
When the money we donate
Is what makes up his debit.
Each time a disaster
Strikes our great land,
Federal aid take the credit
For lending a hand.
Now, I'd like to think
That my dollar helped out.
And so would everyone else
Without any doubt.
Cause it's really our money
We placed in their trust.
So federal aid, hell,
The money belongs to us.
Federal aid, federal aid,
We hear it all the time.
But it's not really federal aid,
Cause the money's yours and mine.
The money's yours and mine.
The money's yours and mine.
The money's yours and mine.
The money's yours and mine.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Good Wishes In Arabic

3 But his sons did not follow their way: they were attracted by profit, accepted gifts and twisted the law.
4 is met, then, all the elders of Israel and they went to Samuel to Ramah,
5 and said, "Look, you've done your old and your sons do not follow your way. Well, Put us a king to judge us like all nations. "
6 displeased Samuel that read:" Give us a king to judge us "and invoked the Lord..
7 But the LORD said to Samuel," Heed all what people tell you. Because you have rejected you, I have rejected me from being king over them.
8 All they have done me the day I took them out of Egypt until today, leaving me and serving other gods, you have also to you. Listen
9, however, his request. But clearly warn them and teach them the privileges of the king who will reign over them. "
10 Samuel repeated the words of the Lord all the people who asked a king,
11 by saying: "Behold the jurisdiction of the king who will reign over you. It will take your sons and go to their cars and their horses and have to run before his chariots.
12 use them as commanders of thousands and commanders of fifty, they will plow their fields, harvest their crop, making their weapons of war and the trappings of their cars.
13 will take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers.
14 will take your fields, your vineyards and your best olive groves and give them to his servants.
15 will take the tenth of your crops and your vineyards and give to his officers and his servants.
16 will take your male and female servants and your best oxen and asses and make them work for him.
17 Draw a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will their slaves. 18
lament that day because of the king which ye have chosen, but then the Lord will not hear you. "
19 The people refused to listen to Samuel and said," No! We will have a king
20 and we will also like other people: our king will judge us, go before us and fight our battles. "
21 Samuel heard all the words of the people and repeated the Lord's ears.
22 But the Lord said to Samuel, "Heed and put a king." Samuel then told all the men of Israel: "Return each one to your city. "
(1 Samuel 8)
Monday, July 20, 2009
What Is Pouch Of Douglas Fluid

Although not the first time that libertarians get critical fanatical fascist groups today are the focus of such rabble. You are jumping all over the net the shovel head of government to demand a crackdown on activists teachers Instituto Juan de Mariana, proudly independent of politicians and governments (not FAES, the Pablo Iglesias and other bars politicians, that we all pay) presented a study that has been annoy privileged entrepreneurs of our country a business of 600,000 million dollars in stolen money by the state to an American citizen. Is that unpatriotic test? Then apply this maxim "a patriot, an idiot" is no insult.
is curious that people who consider themselves to be "left" is now devoted to set himself up as champion of Spain, so without remorse of conscience defend the interests of the so-called dark-pro-statist businessmen who are lining producing energy subsidized is now several times (eg, solar 7 times) more expensive than traditional sources, destroying 2.2 posts employment with each "green plugged, another new variety of this breed that lives at the expense of workers. Who are the fools who pay rise after electricity bill or tax increases to these people as "left" us is bitter existence? Who are staying in the street? Not "renewable business, they have the mana to state as they do. No officials, politicians and other parasites, they get paid for moving papers, have a guaranteed place at your expense.
The truth is that one can not be ashamed to be born in this damn country when she discovers that many of his countrymen react to a feat difficult to match (which shoes almost three activists have created this hype is impressive ) not by the recognition of this milestone, not to lean against the powerful and class exploitation game, but with opinions that are worthy of any fascist ( and this is just the tip of the iceberg):
"As Calzada that would have to oust the country."
"should constitute a commission of inquiry in Parliament and require the attendance of all who are behind this report."
"complicit in genocide Besides speak ill of your country, hopefully see you sitting on the dock scoundrel."
"What we're reading, if true, can be typified as a crime of high treason, and only then, should be tried.
" It is totally intolerable, first to use a stamp of the royal family, to betray the rule of law, that His Majesty himself, addressed to endorse, with a performance that honors him. "
" Our country does not deserve such abuse, either within or outside its borders. "
" Put it down to the work, who are competent in each case and take care, key stakeholders, to come out in defense of those who still believe in a democratic system of law worldwide. "
"Opinion is not free, but information."
"All the misinformation must be contradicted and censored media, so we can be awakened from our foolishness, in Venezuela and are improving."
"Endesa delivery crying" before German Catalan "They're going to have these apesebrados and traitors who do not know the English. When I tried for all the damage he has done in Spain say that alcohol was not let him think. "
"Could not sue those responsible for libel and lost profits? Is there to be twisted to spend your life into something so disgusting, do not you just swim in millions of euros and dollars? And while innocent children suffer for a thousand causes, and also in Spain. They are the worst of the human race. "
" The traitor again criminalize the English. This man needs to be removed out of the way ... whatever. We can not tolerate an enemy that has become a terrorist target is social as Spain and the English. "
" imposes the creation of an independent, a parliamentary committee or other institution for trying those lobbyists.
"If unfortunately the information is completely true, those responsible must immediately be dispossessed of English nationality without prejudice to other sentences for treason, lies ..
"A This individual will have to be processed long time ago. And we must keep fighting for it. "
" Where is the district attorney's office to report this maneuver antiespaña, where they are to expose and prosecute those traitors who only speak of patriotism when the squeeze and when it is not cisco ? Woe to you traitors, you and those you support. "
" Do not waste time with these people, and judges will take care of them when in Spain is equal justice for all. "
" Calzada and his friends, which are lined to reports that denigrates the English, should not return "for Patriots "to induce to have oil wars", come again and stay on some island in the Pacific "
" While democracy, politicians, Justice and citizens do not pursue, punish and deprive them of all privileges individuals like this and really investigate the corrupt and all people involved with them, this society has no future and is likely to become something completely different to a democracy; and this has the institutional responsibility the government, Justice, and the members of the party involved, starting with the cleansing of the corrupt and those who defend them, because many of them are part of the plot corrupt. "
( Extracted Public comments on, this "great day". Roures Thanks!)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wedding Celebration Lettler

for anything here we are. We can move the logo of the Institute and even a family photo to illustrate the next review that we spend. The least we could do for someone as evolved as you, which makes their role our role! From today we can proudly say that the main financier, indirect, yes, the Instituto Juan de Mariana, are you, Mr. Jaume Roures. Who would say!
Meanwhile, a warm hug, congratulate our part to the author P. Rusiñol and do not forget to get at the feet of his wife. Always
his partner Juan de Mariana Institute under
PS: I'd like to dedicate this humble song in appreciation for his work on behalf of the Institute. We have not had the opportunity to record our version, so we'll have to settle for the original version. Although it would require an adjustment to his person, our limited means prevent us. I trust you will see the message behind the letter. (Just takes a while to load)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wedding Celebration Letter American

"They, the intellectuals who try to escape from moral values, they are the damned on this earth, and His is the guilt beyond forgiveness. [..]
"But it's him I want to address. I'm talking to you, that still retains a sovereign corner of your soul, not alienated or stamped with a stamp that says: 'In order of the others. " If, in the chaos of the reasons that pushed you to listen to the radio tonight, there was an honest, rational desire to find out what is wrong with the world, you're the man I want to address. According to the rules and terms of my code, one owes them a rational discourse to all those who care about and who are making some effort to learn. Those who are making an effort not to understand, not interest me.
"I'm talking to you, you want to live and to recapture the honor of your soul. Now that you know the truth about your world, stop supporting your destroyers. The evil of the world has only been possible thanks to your approval. Remove your approval. Withdraw your support. Do not try to live by the terms of your enemies, or win in a game where they make the rules. Do not seek the indulgence of those who have enslaved you, do not ask for alms from those who robbed you, whether in the form of grants, loans or jobs, do not join his side to recover what you have stolen, helping to steal your neighbor. It is not possible to preserve life by accepting bribes to condone one's destruction. Do not try to make profits, wins, no security, the price of a mortgage on your right to exist. That mortgage should not be paid, the more they pay, the more you require, the larger are values \u200b\u200bto try to achieve, you will be more helpless and vulnerable. Theirs is a system of open blackmail, designed to desangrarte, not for your sins, but for your love life.
"Do not try to ascend to the terms of the looters or climb a ladder that they hold. Do not let your hands touch the only power that keeps them in power: your ambition to live. Declare on strike as I did. Use your mind and your skills in private, increases your knowledge, develop your skills, but do not share your achievements with others. Do not try to amass a fortune a looter riding on your back.
"Stay on the lowest rung of your ladder, earn no more than is absolutely necessary for your survival, do not earn a penny extra to be financed by the State of the looters. Since you are a captive, act as a captive, not help them to pretend you're free. Become the silent, incorruptible enemy they are so afraid. When force you, obey, But do not be a volunteer for their cause. Never offer to step in their direction, or express a wish, a request, or purpose. Do not help a looter to say that acts as your friend and benefactor. Do not help your jailers to pretend that their jail is the natural state of your existence. Not help them to distort reality. This forgery is the only dam holding their secret terror, knowing that they are not fit for existence, remove it and let it drown, your approval is your only lifeline.
"If you find an opportunity to disappear into some unknown place beyond their reach, do it, but not to live like a bandit, or be part of a gang that compete with theirs, building a productive life your own, with those who accept your moral code and are willing to fight for human existence. You have no chance of success by
"Act as a rational being, trying to become a point of call for those who are hungry for a voice of integrity. Acts based on your rational values, whether you are alone, in the midst of your enemies, as in the company of a few chosen friends, or as founders of a modest community on the border of the rebirth of humanity.
"When the looters' state collapses, deprived of the best of their slaves, when it falls to a level of chaos helplessly as the nations ravaged by the mysticism of the Orient, and dissolves in hordes of thieves who steal struggle between yes, when defenders of the morality of sacrifice perish along with your ideal, then, that day, again.
"We will open the doors of our city who deserve to enter, a city of smokestacks, pipes, orchards, markets and homes inviolable. We will call the center for the secret shelters like the one you've built. With dollar sign emblem, the symbol of free markets and free minds, we will act to reclaim this country once more in the hands of the impotent savages who never discovered its nature, its meaning and its splendor. Those who choose to join us, join us, those who do not lack the power to stop, the hordes of savages never been an obstacle for the men who hoisted the flag of the mind.
"Then this country will once again become a sanctuary for the human species at risk of extinction: the rational being. The political system we will build is contained in a single moral premise: no may obtain any values \u200b\u200bfrom others by resorting to physical force. Every man will stand or fall, live or die, in his opinion rational. If not in use and falls, he will be his only victim. If you fear that your opinion is inappropriate, will not be given a gun to improve it. If you decide to correct their mistakes in time, have a clear example of the best as a guide to learn how to think, but it will end the infamy of paying with a life other errors.
"In this world you will wake up every morning with that spirit you knew in your childhood: that spirit of eagerness, adventure and certainty that comes from dealing with a rational universe. No child is afraid of nature. Is your fear of man will disappear, the fear that has paralyzed your soul, the fear that you have acquired in your first encounters with the incomprehensible, the unpredictable, the contradictory, the arbitrary, the hidden, false and irrational man.
"You will live in a world of responsible beings, to be as consistent and reliable as the facts themselves, the character will guarantee a system of existence where objective reality is the parameter and the judge . Your virtues shall enjoy protection, your vices and weaknesses, no. Be given every opportunity your goodness and your evil no. What I receive from men are not begging, no pity, no mercy, no forgiveness for sins, but a single value: justice. And when you look to others or yourself, do not feel disgust, or suspicion, or guilt, but a single constant: respect.
"This is the future that you can build. Requires a struggle, like any human value. All life is a struggle with a purpose, and your only choice is the choice of target. Want to continue the battle for your mind, or want to fight for my world? Want to continue a fight that is a precarious hold on a slippery outgoing descent into the abyss, a struggle in which endure the hardships that are irreversible and the victories that get you even closer to destruction? Or would you rather start a fight which consists of climbing overhang projecting a continuous ascent to the summit, a battle in which the hardships are investments in your future and the victories you irreversibly closer to your ideal moral world, and the that even if you die without reaching full sunlight, would die in a level and touched by its rays? This is the option that I offer. Let your mind and decide to love life.
"My final words are for you, the hero who remains hidden in the world, a prisoner, not because of your avoidance, but for your virtues and your desperate courage. My brother's spirit, look at your strengths and the nature of the enemy that you are serving. Your destroyers will dominate, based on your strength, your generosity, your innocence, your love, the strength that bear its burdens, the generosity with which you respond to their cries of despair, the innocence that makes you unable to conceive their wickedness and will given the benefit of every doubt, refusing to condemn without understanding, but unable to understand the motives that drive them, love, your love life that makes you think they are human and also love this life. But the world today is the world they wanted, life is the object of their hatred. Leave them to the death that so adore. On behalf of your magnificent devotion to this earth, let them, does not exhaust the greatness of your soul in getting the triumph of evil they seek. [..]
"On behalf of the best in you, do not sacrifice this world to the worst. On behalf of the values \u200b\u200bthat keep you alive, do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the unconscious in those who have never won the title of human. Do not forget that the natural state of man is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads. Do not let your fire die out, spark by spark, each of them irreplaceable, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the almost, the not yet, we never. Perish not let the hero in your soul, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved but never able to reach. Check your route and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won, it exists, is real and possible, it's yours.
"But to win it requires total dedication and a total break with the world of your past, the doctrine that man is a sacrificial animal, which only exists for the pleasure of others. Fight for the value of your person. Fight for the virtue of your pride. Fight for the essence of human being: his sovereign rational mind. Fight with the radiant certainty and the absolute rectitude of knowing that yours is
"Conquer when you're ready to take the oath that I did at the beginning of my battle. And for those who want to know the date of my return, I will repeat it now, so you can hear the whole world: 'I swear by my life and my love for her, never live to anyone, nor will demand that no one alive for me '. "
Atlas Shrugged.
Ayn Rand.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Bath Pillow For Straight Back

Posted in the World
Those who operate in this market hidden from the public authorities shall, through ingenuity and ability to seize opportunities, to their commitment, their sweat and to the governance of their income, the better-off when the economy takes flight. Then the world will belong to those who managed to survive the crisis collecting skills and enhancing their social and business networks.
There is much research about this and the scholars do not refer to the economy. They call the informal economy. Who opened fire in defense of the wealth they are able to generate the theoretically excluded and dispossessed and its potential for development was the Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto in a book entitled The Other Path was published twenty years ago [1] .
What is Soto argues that the excessive regulation-zillion necessary permits and inspections required after ditto, in the end, a thousand windows to seal the paperwork together, is counterproductive if the aim is to increase the production process. At the same time, advocates of empowerment according to the script, to give property rights to those in unregulated housing in emerging countries and economies margins desarrolladas.De Soto understands the informal economy as an extremely positive phenomenon [ 2].
[1] Note Stewie: This is not entirely true, see here .
[2] idem: In my opinion, the goal is not to regulate the informal sector, black and gray markets, but to turn white into black market. A comprehensive labor market black / gray for qualified people would be a blow to the state criminal.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
How Much Should You Pay For A Lacrosse Helmet

Saturday, March 7, 2009
What Does God Mother Write In Christening Card

When a Government makes a campaign against electronic entertainment is nothing new, but the media sector so the answer unanimous yes.
The trade publication MCV (The market for computer and videogames) has called hypocritical the British government not complaining when it generated "4 billion pounds a year for their depleted coffers, but then turns away and explicitly says that parents are killing their children. "
"Uphold the achievements of the game before an alarmist propaganda does not show us as supporters of obesity in children. It shows that we remembered where we have the testes, at a time when the foot of the Government is right between them. "
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Watch Free Los Hombres De Paco

To continue, the police have no right to violate the property rights of these people, driven from the places that are not property of anyone legitimate, they have transformed and occupied, based on the original occupation libertarian principle (central axiom libertarianism). It claims that are in "public property", an absurdity that only means that it is something that has been misappropriated.
This morning I heard some news that has shocked me profoundly , a beggar has been sentenced to a year in state prison, for stealing a measly half a loaf of bread to eat.
well, I will not be me that excuse a crime based on the need, as if one would need something right to get another sudo. No, when I say that I find outrageous treatment they are going to give this little thief continued doing the same based on objective principles of justice.
is clear that stealing is an invasion of property, but the punishment that one must face charges of assaulting another's property must be proportional, on pain of an abusive and therefore invasion of property rights of others.
The thief failed to appear (the same as the victim), I hope I get to escape his captors, and that is infinitely worse than what they intend to do with it, to steal a baguette , however much he struggled with his owner (which obviously did not apologize). And if we consider the unfairness with respect to the thieves who act with impunity from their armchairs to pay the taxpayer.
iuspositivism I guess will be proud. "The law is the law, "said the tyrant.
" Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place of the just man is also in jail . [...]" the only house in a slave state in which a free man can live with honor "Henry David Thoreau
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Colonoscopy Hemorrhoids

Today I bring up a crossover, or rather a special event which affects virtually the entire Marvel line of the company, which was published in the U.S. between 2006 and 2007. Civil War tells a story far more complex than the typical comic where good and evil are endlessly stereotype. We speak of a steely social criticism to the roll-freedom-in an America willing to sacrifice liberty for illusions of security.

The forced registration record divides the Marvel heroes and villains among those who see this requirement as reasonable, in pursuit of the safety of American citizens, while the other half goes to the underground struggle in defense of their freedoms . The pro-government, led by Tony Stark, corporate magnate whose public identity is Ironman, form SHIELD and are preparing to hunt down his former colleagues, because "the law is the law," they say. Against the rebels swarm to the leadership of Captain America, representing American values \u200b\u200bof freedom, and almost forgotten by the crimes of an increasingly totalitarian government. The truth is that this story has changed the idea that this character had, which I saw as the symbol of American neo-conservative nazionale, but far from it, will evolve to be taking off blindfolds over the government. I'm no expert, but I think this evolution, culminating in the Civil War, began when "capital" discovered in a back story that the U.S. president is actually the boss in the shadow of criminals he was pursuing at that time.

fight inevitably occurs between siblings, a real civil war between people with special powers.
I have not finished with the Civil War, due to the volume of the material in question, and I'm enjoying it in stride, so please those who already know all the details, take care to warn of spoilers. And who is the first time you hear talk of it, give it a chance, is a much more adult, and characters with their different motivations far more credible than it used to be the material about superheroes.
Here you have some bullets with libertarian spirit:

To view an optimally comics download this program: CDisplay
Spoiler warning in this remix of images of Civil War:
Friday, February 20, 2009
Ringworm Look Like Healing

Here's a translation of a post Francois Tremblay on history, our perception the same and the processes which we are subjected by the exploiting class statist. In my opinion, it is as important as acquiring a skeptical attitude to the "truth" that show, as the work of libertarian revisionist historians.
If someone finds a bug, please let me know for uncorrected.
A pleasure to show up here, they tried to do it more often.
History is written by idiots
by Francois Tremblay

In this sense, our concept of the past is a grand illusion, as well as our concept of the future. This does not mean, of course, does not believe that the events have actually occurred, but our current perception of them is far from the events themselves. So this is why, in the case of history, for which there is a lot of room for delusions, illusions, lies and fraud that insinuate themselves into the gap between reality and knowledge. The idea of \u200b\u200ba fixed past, is probably a trick of the brain.
But the same can be said about this. We do not have immediate access to the events that are happening around the world. We rely on what others tell us, and these supply chains can also become a target of cooptation. So, in fact, we are very, very vulnerable about the people who control what we learn about the past and present, simply because we have very few means to verify independently.
Now think about this. Where do you get your ideas about the past? We can imagine things when we think of this or that era, "Where are these pictures? Consider, for example, in the "Wild West." Most of our ideas about that period from the movies. In fact, most of the things we think are "trademarks" of the "Wild West", were invented by movie people and really have nothing to do with habits or events of that period. All kinds of details (such as cowboy hats) on the big screen have given us the image of the "Wild West" as a wild and violent. Of course, this image serves the purposes of the ruling class to associate the freedom and anarchy with violence.
Another source of knowledge about history is schooling. Much of what is taught about history is a lie, and a lot of vital things to teach history simply ignored. In addition, the whole approach to history teaching is the teaching of a time line, no teaching the principles by which things happen or the principles by which people move about the supposedly wants to learn. They have no interest in the teaching of history by applying the principles in building blocks, how they would be taught a language, an art or a science. To teach history in such a way to start would be taught about freedom and exploitation, which are taboo subjects in a system that is based on the holding at each step of the road.
Finally, how to explain the story itself emphasizes individual figures (especially the figures of the ruling class) and individual motivations. In fact, history is dominated by the actions of the people who make large movements of class and ideology and the principles that drive these actions. But it is a sad attribute of the human race to use narratives and descriptions that are more interesting when it comes to single individuals with whom we identify. In the end, all this creates the Manichean vision of the world that I discussed earlier. We look in trees that do not realize that the forest exists.
This also instills in people the belief that they can not change anything, that change comes from some external determinism to be followed slavishly. If history is made by people with power, then the powerless masses, therefore, should participate in the system and try to turn the rudder of the ship (N. of T. I have adapted this term). This must be our only hope of salvation. The belief in a messiah or a God atoning for our sins, are also involved in that feeling of helplessness.

We can identify three main areas in which our ideas about the world outside our small field of observation are derived: the first is from our parents when we were children, our education second, and third what we offer media (is Obviously, so are things like the opinions of our friends, but they are also similarly derived). Of these, education and the media occupy the largest space of the mind. Our children's education influences our beliefs based on our life and that of others, but generally does not fill our mental space (except for setting goals in life and be "successful", or marriage).
Now, the educational system and media, rely heavily on government and capitalism (N. of T. in the libertarian sense of privilege rules, which companies known as pro-statist or corporate capitalism state), so obviously not going to tell people the truth about the democratic capitalist system under which they now live. The education system, as a coercive hierarchy, certainly can not produce free individuals. The media, at least the part that is controlled by large corporations and dependent on the power elite for their news sources, the approval and funding, can not tell people the truth about the current state of our freedoms .
In fact, people are indoctrinated to believe the opposite. Have made people believe we live in a free and classless society, that democracy and war is justified by "freedom" that the Police are there to protect us, that "the economy" is in our interests, that no authority can not be unity of purpose, that group cohesion is more important than values, and so on. Hierarchies that become so ubiquitous that we can not imagine life without them.

We can not talk only about the "manufacture of consent", but made a whole world. But this is a factual reality, as we have seen. No matter what system we live in, the limits of individual perception and knowledge are intrinsic. The problem is, how much control the sources of this content?
For this reason, anarchists should be very careful in selecting media. Television, for example, is an oligarchy of liars who have no interest in telling the truth and have many reasons to lie. Even a suspicious person watching TV can be indoctrinated, and that indoctrination is often subtle.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My Dog Put On Laxative
kills politik kills politik kills politik
kills politik kills politik Need votes
Needs Your mind
politik politik politik Needs Human Beings Need
thats what my friend is an evidence politik is violence
what my friend is a evidence politik is violence
politik kills politik kills politik kills
politik kills politik kills politik kills
politik use drugs
politik use bombs
politik need torpedoes
politik needs blood
thats what my friend is an evidence politik is violence
what my friend is a evidence politik is violence
politik need force poltik need cries
politik need ignorance politik need lies
politik kills politik kills politik kills
politik kills politik kills politik kills
politik kills politik kills politik kills
politik kills politik kills
politik kills politik politik kills
force poltik Need Need Need cries
ignorance politik politik politik
lies Need Need Need poltik force
cries politik politik Need Need ignorance lies politik kills politik
kills politik kills politik kills
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Sound Blaster X Fi Mb Utility

"It was a telegram, and five days later was a summons on charges of libel. I delivered it with gloves. In Hall 6 of notifications, some Officials have latex gloves. People expect to call them. wait in a line of old chairs, all different, as taken from a street of debris container along a dark corridor walled with metal cabinets. "
"They put large handwritten signs:" Please wait to be called. "There's something metaphysical about this expectation. People are silent, we look askance and then down the look and we drown in thoughts. We do not know what we are accused. Surely we all thoroughly reviewing our actions. This phase is crucial. During this waiting comes to blame, here we assume that we are not innocent, if we have to stoop so low, it's about something. Something we have done. The State calculates all this, of course. Take care of every detail: the silence, metal, rickety chairs, posters, latex. When we called, at last, and we find the officer who holds the writing process between latex blackened fingers, flips it, remove the clip, off a sheet, joined by another, re-staple the block, fill out a form with our name and our number DCI, as we tend to sign, when all that silence was thick before us, the anxiety to know our office has gone and we are mature enough to begin to condemn ".
" This is a libel suit. Information Director PP, Carmen Martínez Castro, is offended by my remarks on a radio program Intereconomía, October 12, arguing that I have committed a crime. Calls and determining pay me compensation has already thought of donating to a charity organization. "
" Sunday October 12, the program Recent Philippines, for which I contertulio for five weeks, I attributed the leaks to be behind leaders insidious against critical PP Mariano Rajoy. In particular, he attributed the leak on the use a private jet by José María Aznar to attend the National Congress held in Valencia in PP last July, and filtration on rumors about the paternity the child she was expecting the French Minister of Justice. "
Gago has asked for help from any reader who has knowledge of" Law "Criminal, if anyone can help, we will be helping all indirectly.
you can also join a this Facebook group about the incident.
"I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to express" VOLTAIRE