"They, the intellectuals who try to escape from moral values, they are the damned on this earth, and His is the guilt beyond forgiveness. [..]
"But it's him I want to address. I'm talking to you, that still retains a sovereign corner of your soul, not alienated or stamped with a stamp that says: 'In order of the others. " If, in the chaos of the reasons that pushed you to listen to the radio tonight, there was an honest, rational desire to find out what is wrong with the world, you're the man I want to address. According to the rules and terms of my code, one owes them a rational discourse to all those who care about and who are making some effort to learn. Those who are making an effort not to understand, not interest me.
"I'm talking to you, you want to live and to recapture the honor of your soul. Now that you know the truth about your world, stop supporting your destroyers. The evil of the world has only been possible thanks to your approval. Remove your approval. Withdraw your support. Do not try to live by the terms of your enemies, or win in a game where they make the rules. Do not seek the indulgence of those who have enslaved you, do not ask for alms from those who robbed you, whether in the form of grants, loans or jobs, do not join his side to recover what you have stolen, helping to steal your neighbor. It is not possible to preserve life by accepting bribes to condone one's destruction. Do not try to make profits, wins, no security, the price of a mortgage on your right to exist. That mortgage should not be paid, the more they pay, the more you require, the larger are values \u200b\u200bto try to achieve, you will be more helpless and vulnerable. Theirs is a system of open blackmail, designed to desangrarte, not for your sins, but for your love life.
"Do not try to ascend to the terms of the looters or climb a ladder that they hold. Do not let your hands touch the only power that keeps them in power: your ambition to live. Declare on strike as I did. Use your mind and your skills in private, increases your knowledge, develop your skills, but do not share your achievements with others. Do not try to amass a fortune a looter riding on your back.
"Stay on the lowest rung of your ladder, earn no more than is absolutely necessary for your survival, do not earn a penny extra to be financed by the State of the looters. Since you are a captive, act as a captive, not help them to pretend you're free. Become the silent, incorruptible enemy they are so afraid. When force you, obey, But do not be a volunteer for their cause. Never offer to step in their direction, or express a wish, a request, or purpose. Do not help a looter to say that acts as your friend and benefactor. Do not help your jailers to pretend that their jail is the natural state of your existence. Not help them to distort reality. This forgery is the only dam holding their secret terror, knowing that they are not fit for existence, remove it and let it drown, your approval is your only lifeline.
"If you find an opportunity to disappear into some unknown place beyond their reach, do it, but not to live like a bandit, or be part of a gang that compete with theirs, building a productive life your own, with those who accept your moral code and are willing to fight for human existence. You have no chance of success by
"Act as a rational being, trying to become a point of call for those who are hungry for a voice of integrity. Acts based on your rational values, whether you are alone, in the midst of your enemies, as in the company of a few chosen friends, or as founders of a modest community on the border of the rebirth of humanity.
"When the looters' state collapses, deprived of the best of their slaves, when it falls to a level of chaos helplessly as the nations ravaged by the mysticism of the Orient, and dissolves in hordes of thieves who steal struggle between yes, when defenders of the morality of sacrifice perish along with your ideal, then, that day, again.
"We will open the doors of our city who deserve to enter, a city of smokestacks, pipes, orchards, markets and homes inviolable. We will call the center for the secret shelters like the one you've built. With dollar sign emblem, the symbol of free markets and free minds, we will act to reclaim this country once more in the hands of the impotent savages who never discovered its nature, its meaning and its splendor. Those who choose to join us, join us, those who do not lack the power to stop, the hordes of savages never been an obstacle for the men who hoisted the flag of the mind.
"Then this country will once again become a sanctuary for the human species at risk of extinction: the rational being. The political system we will build is contained in a single moral premise: no may obtain any values \u200b\u200bfrom others by resorting to physical force. Every man will stand or fall, live or die, in his opinion rational. If not in use and falls, he will be his only victim. If you fear that your opinion is inappropriate, will not be given a gun to improve it. If you decide to correct their mistakes in time, have a clear example of the best as a guide to learn how to think, but it will end the infamy of paying with a life other errors.
"In this world you will wake up every morning with that spirit you knew in your childhood: that spirit of eagerness, adventure and certainty that comes from dealing with a rational universe. No child is afraid of nature. Is your fear of man will disappear, the fear that has paralyzed your soul, the fear that you have acquired in your first encounters with the incomprehensible, the unpredictable, the contradictory, the arbitrary, the hidden, false and irrational man.
"You will live in a world of responsible beings, to be as consistent and reliable as the facts themselves, the character will guarantee a system of existence where objective reality is the parameter and the judge . Your virtues shall enjoy protection, your vices and weaknesses, no. Be given every opportunity your goodness and your evil no. What I receive from men are not begging, no pity, no mercy, no forgiveness for sins, but a single value: justice. And when you look to others or yourself, do not feel disgust, or suspicion, or guilt, but a single constant: respect.
"This is the future that you can build. Requires a struggle, like any human value. All life is a struggle with a purpose, and your only choice is the choice of target. Want to continue the battle for your mind, or want to fight for my world? Want to continue a fight that is a precarious hold on a slippery outgoing descent into the abyss, a struggle in which endure the hardships that are irreversible and the victories that get you even closer to destruction? Or would you rather start a fight which consists of climbing overhang projecting a continuous ascent to the summit, a battle in which the hardships are investments in your future and the victories you irreversibly closer to your ideal moral world, and the that even if you die without reaching full sunlight, would die in a level and touched by its rays? This is the option that I offer. Let your mind and decide to love life.
"My final words are for you, the hero who remains hidden in the world, a prisoner, not because of your avoidance, but for your virtues and your desperate courage. My brother's spirit, look at your strengths and the nature of the enemy that you are serving. Your destroyers will dominate, based on your strength, your generosity, your innocence, your love, the strength that bear its burdens, the generosity with which you respond to their cries of despair, the innocence that makes you unable to conceive their wickedness and will given the benefit of every doubt, refusing to condemn without understanding, but unable to understand the motives that drive them, love, your love life that makes you think they are human and also love this life. But the world today is the world they wanted, life is the object of their hatred. Leave them to the death that so adore. On behalf of your magnificent devotion to this earth, let them, does not exhaust the greatness of your soul in getting the triumph of evil they seek. [..]
"On behalf of the best in you, do not sacrifice this world to the worst. On behalf of the values \u200b\u200bthat keep you alive, do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the unconscious in those who have never won the title of human. Do not forget that the natural state of man is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads. Do not let your fire die out, spark by spark, each of them irreplaceable, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the almost, the not yet, we never. Perish not let the hero in your soul, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved but never able to reach. Check your route and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won, it exists, is real and possible, it's yours.
"But to win it requires total dedication and a total break with the world of your past, the doctrine that man is a sacrificial animal, which only exists for the pleasure of others. Fight for the value of your person. Fight for the virtue of your pride. Fight for the essence of human being: his sovereign rational mind. Fight with the radiant certainty and the absolute rectitude of knowing that yours is
"Conquer when you're ready to take the oath that I did at the beginning of my battle. And for those who want to know the date of my return, I will repeat it now, so you can hear the whole world: 'I swear by my life and my love for her, never live to anyone, nor will demand that no one alive for me '. "
Atlas Shrugged.
Ayn Rand.
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