Today I bring up a crossover, or rather a special event which affects virtually the entire Marvel line of the company, which was published in the U.S. between 2006 and 2007. Civil War tells a story far more complex than the typical comic where good and evil are endlessly stereotype. We speak of a steely social criticism to the roll-freedom-in an America willing to sacrifice liberty for illusions of security.

The forced registration record divides the Marvel heroes and villains among those who see this requirement as reasonable, in pursuit of the safety of American citizens, while the other half goes to the underground struggle in defense of their freedoms . The pro-government, led by Tony Stark, corporate magnate whose public identity is Ironman, form SHIELD and are preparing to hunt down his former colleagues, because "the law is the law," they say. Against the rebels swarm to the leadership of Captain America, representing American values \u200b\u200bof freedom, and almost forgotten by the crimes of an increasingly totalitarian government. The truth is that this story has changed the idea that this character had, which I saw as the symbol of American neo-conservative nazionale, but far from it, will evolve to be taking off blindfolds over the government. I'm no expert, but I think this evolution, culminating in the Civil War, began when "capital" discovered in a back story that the U.S. president is actually the boss in the shadow of criminals he was pursuing at that time.

fight inevitably occurs between siblings, a real civil war between people with special powers.
I have not finished with the Civil War, due to the volume of the material in question, and I'm enjoying it in stride, so please those who already know all the details, take care to warn of spoilers. And who is the first time you hear talk of it, give it a chance, is a much more adult, and characters with their different motivations far more credible than it used to be the material about superheroes.
Here you have some bullets with libertarian spirit:

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Spoiler warning in this remix of images of Civil War:
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