Here's a translation of a post Francois Tremblay on history, our perception the same and the processes which we are subjected by the exploiting class statist. In my opinion, it is as important as acquiring a skeptical attitude to the "truth" that show, as the work of libertarian revisionist historians.
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A pleasure to show up here, they tried to do it more often.
History is written by idiots
by Francois Tremblay

In this sense, our concept of the past is a grand illusion, as well as our concept of the future. This does not mean, of course, does not believe that the events have actually occurred, but our current perception of them is far from the events themselves. So this is why, in the case of history, for which there is a lot of room for delusions, illusions, lies and fraud that insinuate themselves into the gap between reality and knowledge. The idea of \u200b\u200ba fixed past, is probably a trick of the brain.
But the same can be said about this. We do not have immediate access to the events that are happening around the world. We rely on what others tell us, and these supply chains can also become a target of cooptation. So, in fact, we are very, very vulnerable about the people who control what we learn about the past and present, simply because we have very few means to verify independently.
Now think about this. Where do you get your ideas about the past? We can imagine things when we think of this or that era, "Where are these pictures? Consider, for example, in the "Wild West." Most of our ideas about that period from the movies. In fact, most of the things we think are "trademarks" of the "Wild West", were invented by movie people and really have nothing to do with habits or events of that period. All kinds of details (such as cowboy hats) on the big screen have given us the image of the "Wild West" as a wild and violent. Of course, this image serves the purposes of the ruling class to associate the freedom and anarchy with violence.
Another source of knowledge about history is schooling. Much of what is taught about history is a lie, and a lot of vital things to teach history simply ignored. In addition, the whole approach to history teaching is the teaching of a time line, no teaching the principles by which things happen or the principles by which people move about the supposedly wants to learn. They have no interest in the teaching of history by applying the principles in building blocks, how they would be taught a language, an art or a science. To teach history in such a way to start would be taught about freedom and exploitation, which are taboo subjects in a system that is based on the holding at each step of the road.
Finally, how to explain the story itself emphasizes individual figures (especially the figures of the ruling class) and individual motivations. In fact, history is dominated by the actions of the people who make large movements of class and ideology and the principles that drive these actions. But it is a sad attribute of the human race to use narratives and descriptions that are more interesting when it comes to single individuals with whom we identify. In the end, all this creates the Manichean vision of the world that I discussed earlier. We look in trees that do not realize that the forest exists.
This also instills in people the belief that they can not change anything, that change comes from some external determinism to be followed slavishly. If history is made by people with power, then the powerless masses, therefore, should participate in the system and try to turn the rudder of the ship (N. of T. I have adapted this term). This must be our only hope of salvation. The belief in a messiah or a God atoning for our sins, are also involved in that feeling of helplessness.

We can identify three main areas in which our ideas about the world outside our small field of observation are derived: the first is from our parents when we were children, our education second, and third what we offer media (is Obviously, so are things like the opinions of our friends, but they are also similarly derived). Of these, education and the media occupy the largest space of the mind. Our children's education influences our beliefs based on our life and that of others, but generally does not fill our mental space (except for setting goals in life and be "successful", or marriage).
Now, the educational system and media, rely heavily on government and capitalism (N. of T. in the libertarian sense of privilege rules, which companies known as pro-statist or corporate capitalism state), so obviously not going to tell people the truth about the democratic capitalist system under which they now live. The education system, as a coercive hierarchy, certainly can not produce free individuals. The media, at least the part that is controlled by large corporations and dependent on the power elite for their news sources, the approval and funding, can not tell people the truth about the current state of our freedoms .
In fact, people are indoctrinated to believe the opposite. Have made people believe we live in a free and classless society, that democracy and war is justified by "freedom" that the Police are there to protect us, that "the economy" is in our interests, that no authority can not be unity of purpose, that group cohesion is more important than values, and so on. Hierarchies that become so ubiquitous that we can not imagine life without them.

We can not talk only about the "manufacture of consent", but made a whole world. But this is a factual reality, as we have seen. No matter what system we live in, the limits of individual perception and knowledge are intrinsic. The problem is, how much control the sources of this content?
For this reason, anarchists should be very careful in selecting media. Television, for example, is an oligarchy of liars who have no interest in telling the truth and have many reasons to lie. Even a suspicious person watching TV can be indoctrinated, and that indoctrination is often subtle.
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