Although not the first time that libertarians get critical fanatical fascist groups today are the focus of such rabble. You are jumping all over the net the shovel head of government to demand a crackdown on activists teachers Instituto Juan de Mariana, proudly independent of politicians and governments (not FAES, the Pablo Iglesias and other bars politicians, that we all pay) presented a study that has been annoy privileged entrepreneurs of our country a business of 600,000 million dollars in stolen money by the state to an American citizen. Is that unpatriotic test? Then apply this maxim "a patriot, an idiot" is no insult.
is curious that people who consider themselves to be "left" is now devoted to set himself up as champion of Spain, so without remorse of conscience defend the interests of the so-called dark-pro-statist businessmen who are lining producing energy subsidized is now several times (eg, solar 7 times) more expensive than traditional sources, destroying 2.2 posts employment with each "green plugged, another new variety of this breed that lives at the expense of workers. Who are the fools who pay rise after electricity bill or tax increases to these people as "left" us is bitter existence? Who are staying in the street? Not "renewable business, they have the mana to state as they do. No officials, politicians and other parasites, they get paid for moving papers, have a guaranteed place at your expense.
The truth is that one can not be ashamed to be born in this damn country when she discovers that many of his countrymen react to a feat difficult to match (which shoes almost three activists have created this hype is impressive ) not by the recognition of this milestone, not to lean against the powerful and class exploitation game, but with opinions that are worthy of any fascist ( and this is just the tip of the iceberg):
"As Calzada that would have to oust the country."
"should constitute a commission of inquiry in Parliament and require the attendance of all who are behind this report."
"complicit in genocide Besides speak ill of your country, hopefully see you sitting on the dock scoundrel."
"What we're reading, if true, can be typified as a crime of high treason, and only then, should be tried.
" It is totally intolerable, first to use a stamp of the royal family, to betray the rule of law, that His Majesty himself, addressed to endorse, with a performance that honors him. "
" Our country does not deserve such abuse, either within or outside its borders. "
" Put it down to the work, who are competent in each case and take care, key stakeholders, to come out in defense of those who still believe in a democratic system of law worldwide. "
"Opinion is not free, but information."
"All the misinformation must be contradicted and censored media, so we can be awakened from our foolishness, in Venezuela and are improving."
"Endesa delivery crying" before German Catalan "They're going to have these apesebrados and traitors who do not know the English. When I tried for all the damage he has done in Spain say that alcohol was not let him think. "
"Could not sue those responsible for libel and lost profits? Is there to be twisted to spend your life into something so disgusting, do not you just swim in millions of euros and dollars? And while innocent children suffer for a thousand causes, and also in Spain. They are the worst of the human race. "
" The traitor again criminalize the English. This man needs to be removed out of the way ... whatever. We can not tolerate an enemy that has become a terrorist target is social as Spain and the English. "
" imposes the creation of an independent, a parliamentary committee or other institution for trying those lobbyists.
"If unfortunately the information is completely true, those responsible must immediately be dispossessed of English nationality without prejudice to other sentences for treason, lies ..
"A This individual will have to be processed long time ago. And we must keep fighting for it. "
" Where is the district attorney's office to report this maneuver antiespaƱa, where they are to expose and prosecute those traitors who only speak of patriotism when the squeeze and when it is not cisco ? Woe to you traitors, you and those you support. "
" Do not waste time with these people, and judges will take care of them when in Spain is equal justice for all. "
" Calzada and his friends, which are lined to reports that denigrates the English, should not return "for Patriots "to induce to have oil wars", come again and stay on some island in the Pacific "
" While democracy, politicians, Justice and citizens do not pursue, punish and deprive them of all privileges individuals like this and really investigate the corrupt and all people involved with them, this society has no future and is likely to become something completely different to a democracy; and this has the institutional responsibility the government, Justice, and the members of the party involved, starting with the cleansing of the corrupt and those who defend them, because many of them are part of the plot corrupt. "
( Extracted Public comments on, this "great day". Roures Thanks!)
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