Thursday, February 26, 2009
Watch Free Los Hombres De Paco
obesity deaths a year in prison for half a loaf of bread. So advocates of the poor state mafia
always insistently repeated by the propaganda of the ruling class, how well the poor live by the alleged beneficial action of the "welfare state", that great swindles workers and entrepreneurs. What they never tell you is what their thugs in uniform to the unfortunates who for one reason or another live without a roof. It always seems that there are people left over, which disfigures the landscape of our rulers. After that if, on their televisions (government or business friends, both given) are mounted stories on people to demonstrate "social conscience", and are used as an excuse for large-scale theft of all the parasites living state . What would of the poor without the state?

To continue, the police have no right to violate the property rights of these people, driven from the places that are not property of anyone legitimate, they have transformed and occupied, based on the original occupation libertarian principle (central axiom libertarianism). It claims that are in "public property", an absurdity that only means that it is something that has been misappropriated.
This morning I heard some news that has shocked me profoundly , a beggar has been sentenced to a year in state prison, for stealing a measly half a loaf of bread to eat.
well, I will not be me that excuse a crime based on the need, as if one would need something right to get another sudo. No, when I say that I find outrageous treatment they are going to give this little thief continued doing the same based on objective principles of justice.
is clear that stealing is an invasion of property, but the punishment that one must face charges of assaulting another's property must be proportional, on pain of an abusive and therefore invasion of property rights of others.
The thief failed to appear (the same as the victim), I hope I get to escape his captors, and that is infinitely worse than what they intend to do with it, to steal a baguette , however much he struggled with his owner (which obviously did not apologize). And if we consider the unfairness with respect to the thieves who act with impunity from their armchairs to pay the taxpayer.
iuspositivism I guess will be proud. "The law is the law, "said the tyrant.
" Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place of the just man is also in jail . [...]" the only house in a slave state in which a free man can live with honor "Henry David Thoreau
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Colonoscopy Hemorrhoids
Comics: Civil War
I've never been particularly fond of comics But lately I'm finding some gems that have fueled my interest in them.
Today I bring up a crossover, or rather a special event which affects virtually the entire Marvel line of the company, which was published in the U.S. between 2006 and 2007. Civil War tells a story far more complex than the typical comic where good and evil are endlessly stereotype. We speak of a steely social criticism to the roll-freedom-in an America willing to sacrifice liberty for illusions of security.
The Civil War story begins with a host of events that burst like a tornado in the Marvel universe of heroes, destroying alliances, dividing families and friends, and ultimately blurring the perceptions of the actors on whom who are the allies and enemies. It all begins when a group of super-heroes of low-level attempts to stop a villain named Nitro, while recording everything in plan reality show, when the evil caused an explosion that destroys half the city, killing hundreds of innocents, including children of nearby school. Given the size of the slaughter, American public opinion against the uncontrolled load the heroic activities, requiring someone to regulate them. The government reacted by enacting the compulsory registration of persons with special abilities, with the risk that this could mean for people who operate under a mask to protect your loved ones, and imposing the forced recruitment of such individuals for your agency SHIELD, going to be on payroll and federal government orders. Those who refuse this, they will be arrested and taken to a prison in the negative zone for life (in this kind of dimension, not being on American soil, the detainees lost their civil rights).
The forced registration record divides the Marvel heroes and villains among those who see this requirement as reasonable, in pursuit of the safety of American citizens, while the other half goes to the underground struggle in defense of their freedoms . The pro-government, led by Tony Stark, corporate magnate whose public identity is Ironman, form SHIELD and are preparing to hunt down his former colleagues, because "the law is the law," they say. Against the rebels swarm to the leadership of Captain America, representing American values \u200b\u200bof freedom, and almost forgotten by the crimes of an increasingly totalitarian government. The truth is that this story has changed the idea that this character had, which I saw as the symbol of American neo-conservative nazionale, but far from it, will evolve to be taking off blindfolds over the government. I'm no expert, but I think this evolution, culminating in the Civil War, began when "capital" discovered in a back story that the U.S. president is actually the boss in the shadow of criminals he was pursuing at that time.
fight inevitably occurs between siblings, a real civil war between people with special powers.
I have not finished with the Civil War, due to the volume of the material in question, and I'm enjoying it in stride, so please those who already know all the details, take care to warn of spoilers. And who is the first time you hear talk of it, give it a chance, is a much more adult, and characters with their different motivations far more credible than it used to be the material about superheroes.
Here you have some bullets with libertarian spirit:
To download the volumes in English, you only have to go to this link blog Virtual Comics. "
To view an optimally comics download this program: CDisplay
Spoiler warning in this remix of images of Civil War:

Today I bring up a crossover, or rather a special event which affects virtually the entire Marvel line of the company, which was published in the U.S. between 2006 and 2007. Civil War tells a story far more complex than the typical comic where good and evil are endlessly stereotype. We speak of a steely social criticism to the roll-freedom-in an America willing to sacrifice liberty for illusions of security.

The forced registration record divides the Marvel heroes and villains among those who see this requirement as reasonable, in pursuit of the safety of American citizens, while the other half goes to the underground struggle in defense of their freedoms . The pro-government, led by Tony Stark, corporate magnate whose public identity is Ironman, form SHIELD and are preparing to hunt down his former colleagues, because "the law is the law," they say. Against the rebels swarm to the leadership of Captain America, representing American values \u200b\u200bof freedom, and almost forgotten by the crimes of an increasingly totalitarian government. The truth is that this story has changed the idea that this character had, which I saw as the symbol of American neo-conservative nazionale, but far from it, will evolve to be taking off blindfolds over the government. I'm no expert, but I think this evolution, culminating in the Civil War, began when "capital" discovered in a back story that the U.S. president is actually the boss in the shadow of criminals he was pursuing at that time.

fight inevitably occurs between siblings, a real civil war between people with special powers.
I have not finished with the Civil War, due to the volume of the material in question, and I'm enjoying it in stride, so please those who already know all the details, take care to warn of spoilers. And who is the first time you hear talk of it, give it a chance, is a much more adult, and characters with their different motivations far more credible than it used to be the material about superheroes.
Here you have some bullets with libertarian spirit:

To view an optimally comics download this program: CDisplay
Spoiler warning in this remix of images of Civil War:
Friday, February 20, 2009
Ringworm Look Like Healing
History is written by idiots
Here's a translation of a post Francois Tremblay on history, our perception the same and the processes which we are subjected by the exploiting class statist. In my opinion, it is as important as acquiring a skeptical attitude to the "truth" that show, as the work of libertarian revisionist historians.
If someone finds a bug, please let me know for uncorrected.
A pleasure to show up here, they tried to do it more often.
History is written by idiots
by Francois Tremblay
The concept of the story is very interesting because, for the most part, concerns about things not exist today, ie the events of the past. The same is true of our expectations about the future. We can only really talk about the past and the future as this causal projections. When we say, for example, World War 2 began in 1939, say this because we are taking the evidence about these events (the official records, memoirs, photographs, etc) and removing all of this a calendar of events, which represents nothing more than a concrete causal relationship between the tests and projections of events.
In this sense, our concept of the past is a grand illusion, as well as our concept of the future. This does not mean, of course, does not believe that the events have actually occurred, but our current perception of them is far from the events themselves. So this is why, in the case of history, for which there is a lot of room for delusions, illusions, lies and fraud that insinuate themselves into the gap between reality and knowledge. The idea of \u200b\u200ba fixed past, is probably a trick of the brain.
But the same can be said about this. We do not have immediate access to the events that are happening around the world. We rely on what others tell us, and these supply chains can also become a target of cooptation. So, in fact, we are very, very vulnerable about the people who control what we learn about the past and present, simply because we have very few means to verify independently.
Now think about this. Where do you get your ideas about the past? We can imagine things when we think of this or that era, "Where are these pictures? Consider, for example, in the "Wild West." Most of our ideas about that period from the movies. In fact, most of the things we think are "trademarks" of the "Wild West", were invented by movie people and really have nothing to do with habits or events of that period. All kinds of details (such as cowboy hats) on the big screen have given us the image of the "Wild West" as a wild and violent. Of course, this image serves the purposes of the ruling class to associate the freedom and anarchy with violence.
Another source of knowledge about history is schooling. Much of what is taught about history is a lie, and a lot of vital things to teach history simply ignored. In addition, the whole approach to history teaching is the teaching of a time line, no teaching the principles by which things happen or the principles by which people move about the supposedly wants to learn. They have no interest in the teaching of history by applying the principles in building blocks, how they would be taught a language, an art or a science. To teach history in such a way to start would be taught about freedom and exploitation, which are taboo subjects in a system that is based on the holding at each step of the road.
Finally, how to explain the story itself emphasizes individual figures (especially the figures of the ruling class) and individual motivations. In fact, history is dominated by the actions of the people who make large movements of class and ideology and the principles that drive these actions. But it is a sad attribute of the human race to use narratives and descriptions that are more interesting when it comes to single individuals with whom we identify. In the end, all this creates the Manichean vision of the world that I discussed earlier. We look in trees that do not realize that the forest exists.
This also instills in people the belief that they can not change anything, that change comes from some external determinism to be followed slavishly. If history is made by people with power, then the powerless masses, therefore, should participate in the system and try to turn the rudder of the ship (N. of T. I have adapted this term). This must be our only hope of salvation. The belief in a messiah or a God atoning for our sins, are also involved in that feeling of helplessness.
Where do we take our ideas on this? People take their ideas, mainly on news and television programs. The manipulation of public opinion by the media to serve the interests of the ruling class is an issue in itself: Noam Chomsky has almost become their political issue. Through the semantics, the selection and planning of lies, television presents a world view that reinforces our belief in the need for law and order in a world that is getting better thanks to the policy and technological progress, and assures people default carefully all the facts that go against the dominant ideology.
We can identify three main areas in which our ideas about the world outside our small field of observation are derived: the first is from our parents when we were children, our education second, and third what we offer media (is Obviously, so are things like the opinions of our friends, but they are also similarly derived). Of these, education and the media occupy the largest space of the mind. Our children's education influences our beliefs based on our life and that of others, but generally does not fill our mental space (except for setting goals in life and be "successful", or marriage).
Now, the educational system and media, rely heavily on government and capitalism (N. of T. in the libertarian sense of privilege rules, which companies known as pro-statist or corporate capitalism state), so obviously not going to tell people the truth about the democratic capitalist system under which they now live. The education system, as a coercive hierarchy, certainly can not produce free individuals. The media, at least the part that is controlled by large corporations and dependent on the power elite for their news sources, the approval and funding, can not tell people the truth about the current state of our freedoms .
In fact, people are indoctrinated to believe the opposite. Have made people believe we live in a free and classless society, that democracy and war is justified by "freedom" that the Police are there to protect us, that "the economy" is in our interests, that no authority can not be unity of purpose, that group cohesion is more important than values, and so on. Hierarchies that become so ubiquitous that we can not imagine life without them.
What is most important, tell us what current events are important, and you have to think about them. Not directly, most of the time (unless you listen to "experts" and "demagogues"), but through the selection of the 1. As shown, 2. the way described and 3. what is omitted. As Chomsky has shown, the end result is the manufacture of consent in relation to any policy that is put on the table, since a new ordinance proposed a new war.
We can not talk only about the "manufacture of consent", but made a whole world. But this is a factual reality, as we have seen. No matter what system we live in, the limits of individual perception and knowledge are intrinsic. The problem is, how much control the sources of this content?
For this reason, anarchists should be very careful in selecting media. Television, for example, is an oligarchy of liars who have no interest in telling the truth and have many reasons to lie. Even a suspicious person watching TV can be indoctrinated, and that indoctrination is often subtle.

Here's a translation of a post Francois Tremblay on history, our perception the same and the processes which we are subjected by the exploiting class statist. In my opinion, it is as important as acquiring a skeptical attitude to the "truth" that show, as the work of libertarian revisionist historians.
If someone finds a bug, please let me know for uncorrected.
A pleasure to show up here, they tried to do it more often.
History is written by idiots
by Francois Tremblay

In this sense, our concept of the past is a grand illusion, as well as our concept of the future. This does not mean, of course, does not believe that the events have actually occurred, but our current perception of them is far from the events themselves. So this is why, in the case of history, for which there is a lot of room for delusions, illusions, lies and fraud that insinuate themselves into the gap between reality and knowledge. The idea of \u200b\u200ba fixed past, is probably a trick of the brain.
But the same can be said about this. We do not have immediate access to the events that are happening around the world. We rely on what others tell us, and these supply chains can also become a target of cooptation. So, in fact, we are very, very vulnerable about the people who control what we learn about the past and present, simply because we have very few means to verify independently.
Now think about this. Where do you get your ideas about the past? We can imagine things when we think of this or that era, "Where are these pictures? Consider, for example, in the "Wild West." Most of our ideas about that period from the movies. In fact, most of the things we think are "trademarks" of the "Wild West", were invented by movie people and really have nothing to do with habits or events of that period. All kinds of details (such as cowboy hats) on the big screen have given us the image of the "Wild West" as a wild and violent. Of course, this image serves the purposes of the ruling class to associate the freedom and anarchy with violence.
Another source of knowledge about history is schooling. Much of what is taught about history is a lie, and a lot of vital things to teach history simply ignored. In addition, the whole approach to history teaching is the teaching of a time line, no teaching the principles by which things happen or the principles by which people move about the supposedly wants to learn. They have no interest in the teaching of history by applying the principles in building blocks, how they would be taught a language, an art or a science. To teach history in such a way to start would be taught about freedom and exploitation, which are taboo subjects in a system that is based on the holding at each step of the road.
Finally, how to explain the story itself emphasizes individual figures (especially the figures of the ruling class) and individual motivations. In fact, history is dominated by the actions of the people who make large movements of class and ideology and the principles that drive these actions. But it is a sad attribute of the human race to use narratives and descriptions that are more interesting when it comes to single individuals with whom we identify. In the end, all this creates the Manichean vision of the world that I discussed earlier. We look in trees that do not realize that the forest exists.
This also instills in people the belief that they can not change anything, that change comes from some external determinism to be followed slavishly. If history is made by people with power, then the powerless masses, therefore, should participate in the system and try to turn the rudder of the ship (N. of T. I have adapted this term). This must be our only hope of salvation. The belief in a messiah or a God atoning for our sins, are also involved in that feeling of helplessness.

We can identify three main areas in which our ideas about the world outside our small field of observation are derived: the first is from our parents when we were children, our education second, and third what we offer media (is Obviously, so are things like the opinions of our friends, but they are also similarly derived). Of these, education and the media occupy the largest space of the mind. Our children's education influences our beliefs based on our life and that of others, but generally does not fill our mental space (except for setting goals in life and be "successful", or marriage).
Now, the educational system and media, rely heavily on government and capitalism (N. of T. in the libertarian sense of privilege rules, which companies known as pro-statist or corporate capitalism state), so obviously not going to tell people the truth about the democratic capitalist system under which they now live. The education system, as a coercive hierarchy, certainly can not produce free individuals. The media, at least the part that is controlled by large corporations and dependent on the power elite for their news sources, the approval and funding, can not tell people the truth about the current state of our freedoms .
In fact, people are indoctrinated to believe the opposite. Have made people believe we live in a free and classless society, that democracy and war is justified by "freedom" that the Police are there to protect us, that "the economy" is in our interests, that no authority can not be unity of purpose, that group cohesion is more important than values, and so on. Hierarchies that become so ubiquitous that we can not imagine life without them.

We can not talk only about the "manufacture of consent", but made a whole world. But this is a factual reality, as we have seen. No matter what system we live in, the limits of individual perception and knowledge are intrinsic. The problem is, how much control the sources of this content?
For this reason, anarchists should be very careful in selecting media. Television, for example, is an oligarchy of liars who have no interest in telling the truth and have many reasons to lie. Even a suspicious person watching TV can be indoctrinated, and that indoctrination is often subtle.
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