Monday, February 28, 2011
Watch Rockman Exe Online
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Names To Write On Tombstpne For Hallpween

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Frequence Bahrain Sport Tv Sur Nilesat

Two dogs are chasing a taxi and when they get close to the one says to another: I told you
ponia free you see? free no hare
? you think a bird when he sees his owner read the newspaper?
Elementary my dear Watson? That the carpet will be watching with such interest?
A baby mouse first see a bat and run into their burrows, saying "mama, mama I saw an angel!
Chickens are the only animals you eat before birth and after death they thought!
thousands of years ago cats were worshiped as gods and still live today as if they were!
is a slug? Homeless snail
Two cows are talking and one asks the other?
you're not concerned about the history of mad cow disease?
at all I am a chicken ...
How porcupines make love?
very, very careful ...
Monday, February 21, 2011
Games Like Rescue Game
How To Make A Soap Dish
Me what are the trucks burst me ..... The toad.
Frankenstein ..... I'm shattered
My boyfriend is a beast ..... La bella
My mom is a rat .... Mickey Mouse
never could study law ..... The Hunchback of Notredame
..... I have nerves of steel Robocop drugs
Down .... The basement
It strikes me people who do not show his face ... Anonymous
I tape ... . Scotch
We support women's liberation women's prison .... Give me back my coat
..... Let's be ..... A dermatologist
'll pay ..... . International Monetary Fund My
girlfriend is a bitch .... Pluto
How To Make A Mini Cricket Bat

would be doing now if Elvis Presley were still alive? - Scratching his coffin. - Mother in Law, would not it be better and not eat so much? - And when to worry about me here? - is that then I will have to carry the coffin
Mother Teresa is dying and goes to heaven where St. Peter is received and said: - Mother Teresa, who honored to have you here! as a reward for his exemplary journey through life on earth will I put this star on the forehead, which is unique to you Y opens the doors of Heaven to scroll it everywhere. After the emotional ceremony, Mother Teresa began traveling around the sky proud of his star on his forehead, finds himself with Lady Di sunbathing on a cloud ... and a star on his forehead!. Feeling cheated will find San Pedro and he demands: - Sir, I met Lady Di, also a star on the forehead, let us agree it was a good person, but he committed adultery, you also told me that my Star was unique, does corruption has reached to heaven? - No, Mother! San Pedro said ruefully, what happens is that we still can not get the star of Mercedes Benz from his forehead.
Mr. Soto was the doctor's office to collect the results of the analysis of his wife, and the receptionist says - I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Soto, but we made a terrible mistake and we have a serious problem. When sending your wife samples for laboratory analysis are sent along with other samples of Ms with the same surname of his own, so now we're not sure what are the results of his wife. - But what do you say? - Well, listen, Ms. gave a positive test for Alzheimer's and the other tested positive for the AIDS test, but do not know what of them is his wife ... - IS TERRIBLE! ¿And what was I supposed to do?? - Leave his wife in middle of town and if she gets back home, then ... not the lame ...
2 old ladies are sitting in their rocking chairs, and tells the other: - What do you call the German who brings us crazy? - Alzheimer, asshole, Alzheimer's.
An unhappy because life had not sent him away, his wife got the horns, mortgaged his home and accounts ought to die, he would commit suicide from atop a building. In what I was about to throw it notes, the crowd was looking down at an armed man who had lost both arms dancing and dancing. Then the guy running down the building to look for the maimed and says - Manquita! if not for you I had thrown, because arms are missing you and you enjoy dancing life, thank you, thank you very much. and hugged him. The manquita looks and says, - Soltam fuck! Who is dancing, asshole?!, What happens is that some time ago I want to scratch your ass and I can not!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
How To Clean My White Leather Couch

ugly A child tells his father: - Daddy, Daddy, take me the circus. And the father replied: "No, you want to see you come home.
Two friends are Italian. One of them is with a shovel, and seem exhausted. - But Raul, who happened to you? - I'm knackered, I come to bury my mother. - But, it has taken so much with how strong you are? - is that the bitch would not let.
Tells a child to his mother: - Mami, I can hammocks to Grandpa? - Not until we know who hanged himself
are two friends and one said: - I'll never forget the last phrase my father - What was it? - Son, do not move the andamiooooooooooooooooo .....
Two children in school: -know, my mother fell from the balcony and is now in heaven "Well, as it bounces your old!!
- Mom Who is pulling the language my father?
- For those who hanged him, son. For those who hanged him.
is a missionary in the jungle and a lion is
he was almost starved. The missionary scares starting kneels to pray says
- Father, fill this poor lion Christian sentiments
silence is heard ... and all of a sudden the lion kneels, saying
- Father, bless this food which I get ...
Wick Hunting On Craigslist

turns out that a ship sinks, and saved only eight people, seven men and one woman, who manage to reach an island of those who come to mind in these cases.
not take long to tour the island and discover that their survival is assured. There are many animals that eat little ones, no big animal that can eat them, and so are installed and are living on what nature gives them.
Time passes, and eight are realizing that something is missing. After searching one conclude that the best solution will be that the guys sleep with women in turn, spending a night each, so that a woman has sex every day, and weekly rates. Very happy with the solution, continue their lives, and so spends a month, two months, one year, two, three, four years, until one day, suddenly, the woman dies.
This sorry lot of the seven types, but as people are courageous and that they have survived so many disasters, resolve that life goes on and take it easy.
So a month passes. The second month you no longer feel the same as before, but go ahead. In the third month are a little restless and have difficulty acting as if nothing had happened, but they are true to themselves and face things with the same determination that kept them alive. On the fourth month and have had enough. So they agree and decide to bury her.
In film, the lead actress is dying in the arms of good. At the back of the room can hear
- "SEX, SEX now before it gets cold!"
A bald with a wooden leg is invited to a costume party, but do not want them to notice its shortcomings. As not think of anything, he wrote a letter to a costume shop for recommendations something. Three days later she received a package with a handkerchief and a pirate costume, and enclosed a letter that read:
- "Dear Sir: In the package we sent you a pirate costume. The scarf to cover her bald head, so that no be felt and his wooden leg should strengthen the costume, making it look more real ... "
The man is insulted to see that are emphasizing his wooden leg and he writes a letter of complaint. Two days later she received another package:
- "Dear Sir, Here we send a priest costume. This should cover your wooden leg, no one will notice. Moreover, his bald head will make it real costume ... "
The man is insulted even more, to see who stopped to look at his wooden leg to do with his bald head and wrote another letter of complaint.
Three days later she received another package:
- "Dear Sir, Here we send a jar of sugar, we suggest you warm the sugar and the full cast in his head, his wooden leg goal in the ass and go dressed caramel apple ... "
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What To Put On Cheer Competition Posters

Enter a drunk at a bar and says (with a drunken voice):
essten Toss that the issquierda ... cabronesss unoss soon .. And toss the loss that essten derechssa ... jilipollass unoss soon ... Salta
one and says:
EH! Hey, excuse me, I'm not a cab ....
Puesss jilipollasss here please!
had a busload of people and get a little drunk and says "Who are you lost a wad of $ 100 that are connected by a liguita" Sale a man and says "me" replies the drunk " liguita I found. "
a drunk I was walking home when he sees a sign that caught his attention. The drunk begins to mourn inconsolably. In this way his neighbor and asks why she cries, the drunk replies "What we have come in this world. Look at that sign reads
The neighbor read the sign and answers:
"But you do not see that guy there says SOLD WOOD, ZINC AND CEMENT."
Van two drunks walking down the train station and one was walking down the middle of the rail line and the other side as they were so drunk they fell asleep and suddenly the train passes
and the drunk who had fallen asleep in the middle of the line was with the legs there, head over here, arms there all scattered. And suddenly the other awake and drunk as he was still drunk, tells another:
! What you sleep disordered !!
What do you say a drunk Deysi a newborn?