With Victor Gago, in defense of freedom of expression
I learn by my friend Patricia Lorente , the persecution campaign waged by the criminal organization known as the Popular Party against former Liberal blogger Victor Gago Network. Certainly Victor, whom I have not the pleasure of knowing personally, and I found ourselves in very different ideological positions and even contrary (He as a neocon and I as now), but if anything has characterized the Liberal Network blogs is to defend freedom of expression without palliatives. Now my turn, simply.
just hope that this type of criminal assault, help open the eyes of decent people who still rely on the PP, state, or any other party, and Gago can stand out the best possible from the clutches of illegitimate courts of Leviathan and freedom-killing legislation.
All my solidarity with Gago against these fascists. Actually the reason for this attempt at censorship by force is totally irrelevant, but if anyone wants more information is
better go directly to the source :
"It was a telegram, and five days later was a summons on charges of libel. I delivered it with gloves. In Hall 6 of notifications, some Officials have latex gloves. People expect to call them. wait in a line of old chairs, all different, as taken from a street of debris container along a dark corridor walled with metal cabinets. "
"They put large handwritten signs:" Please wait to be called. "There's something metaphysical about this expectation. People are silent, we look askance and then down the look and we drown in thoughts. We do not know what we are accused. Surely we all thoroughly reviewing our actions. This phase is crucial. During this waiting comes to blame, here we assume that we are not innocent, if we have to stoop so low, it's about something. Something we have done. The State calculates all this, of course. Take care of every detail: the silence, metal, rickety chairs, posters, latex. When we called, at last, and we find the officer who holds the writing process between latex blackened fingers, flips it, remove the clip, off a sheet, joined by another, re-staple the block, fill out a form with our name and our number DCI, as we tend to sign, when all that silence was thick before us, the anxiety to know our office has gone and we are mature enough to begin to condemn ".
" This is a libel suit. Information Director PP, Carmen Martínez Castro, is offended by my remarks on a radio program Intereconomía, October 12, arguing that I have committed a crime. Calls and determining pay me compensation has already thought of donating to a charity organization. "
" Sunday October 12, the program Recent Philippines, for which I contertulio for five weeks, I attributed the leaks to be behind leaders insidious against critical PP Mariano Rajoy. In particular, he attributed the leak on the use a private jet by José María Aznar to attend the National Congress held in Valencia in PP last July, and filtration on rumors about the paternity the child she was expecting the French Minister of Justice. "
Gago has asked for help from any reader who has knowledge of" Law "Criminal, if anyone can help, we will be helping all indirectly.
you can also join a
this Facebook group about the incident.
"I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to express" VOLTAIRE